OZ-DMR has it’s own APRS server which is connected to the APRS system https://aprs.fi/ The server address is http://aprs.uk/ for those who wish to watch the dashboard.
To use our server in an APRS client, uses will need to use one of the following:
Client-Defined Filters : 14580
350 km from your position : 20350
We have found an APRS client for the Windows Operating System for those whose would like to give APRS a try. The web address for the client is http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/ or you can download a copy from our server. https://www.oz-dmr.network/APRSIS32.zip
For those would would like to know more about APRS and how to use it, here are a few links that will help get you started.
Android has an APRS client too.
Apple (iPhone, iPad and iPod) has an APRS client too.
References to other APRS Clients can be found at http://www.aprs-is.net/clientsoftware.aspx
Give APRS a go. You just might find that it is a lot of fun. For those who have DMR radios that are GPS enabled, you can also join in the fun.