Dial a Talk Group

We will assume you have TG 9 on TS 2 set up in your radio


LiNK TO Talk Group




UNLINK from Talk Group

Manual Dial 4000 Private Call (as above), PTT for up to 3 sec.
The Repeater / Hotspot will respond with a voice announcement “Not Linked”.



You can move to a new Talk Group without doing a 4000. Just call the next Talk Group as above and PTT for up to 3 sec.

Would be recommended to make a 4000 unlink channel. Add 4000 as a Private Call to the radio. Set TG 9 in the RX Group. Now when you get a GAP in RX you can PTT and unlink.



To enquire about the Talk Group linked. Manual Dial 5000 Private Call, PTT and the Repeater / Hotspot will respond with the currently linked Talk Group.