Best settings for sending APRS Auto TX or Manual TX is 180 ( 3 Mins ) intervals or longer. If accessing APRS via a Repeater on the OZ-DMR.NETWORK, please do not use less than 180s



Sent as Private Call to 900999



Although it will accept Hytera and Motorola formats, we recommend users use “DMR Standard SMS messages” if at all possible, because it’s the closest we have to a common standard



Individual user/DMR ID APRS settings.

By default, all APRS positions will have an SSID of 15, a default comment, with the callsign and ID of the DMR user. These default settings can be changed

The comment, SSID, and icon can be set for each individual user/DMR ID the application sees. The application stores all the setting in a file. You may have different SSIDs, icons, and comments for different DMR IDs. This is done via DMR SMS using the following commands:


*See (http://aprs.net/vm/DOS/SYMBOLS.HTM) for icon list


Send a DMR SMS to the configured DMR_DATA_ID in the application with the desired command followed by the value. For example, to change your icon to a dog, the command would be @ICON /p (see the icon table for values). Changing your SSID is as simple as @SSID 7, and @COM Testing 123 will change the comment

To remove any of the stored values, just send the appropriate command without any input. @COM will remove the stored comment, @ICON will remove the stored icon. Any position now reports sent will have the default settings

You need to do the above for each DMR ID you use on OZ-DMR.NETWORK. All Commands above send via SMS message to 900999




As OZ-DMR.NETWORK / FreeDMR is a relatively new network with development moving quickly, we are making advances in many areas. This include testing radio’s and their function and making them compatible with OZ-DMR.NETWORK

Radios Tested So Far

CommandDescription Example
@SSIDYour Callsign
@ICONChange the icon of the APRS position. *@icon /p
@COMChange the comment of the APRS@COM This is a test comment

*RT73 must have unconfirmed data setting enabled


Highly Suspected To Work

Anytone D878YESYES
Anytone D578YESYES
BTech DMR-6x2YESMost likely
MD-380 (MD380tools, no GPS)-YES
MD-380 (stock firmware, GPS)YESMost likely
MD-390 (stock firmware)YESYES
Retevis RT73*YESYES


Tested, But With Bugs Present

Anytone D868Most likelyMost likely
TYT MD-2017Most likelyLikely
TYT MD-9600Most likelyLikely
Retevis RT8Most likelyLikely


DISCLAIMER: User connecting to OZ-DMR.NETWORK will find the same experience and can use the same setup on the FreeDMR Network