Pi-Star Setup Video’s

Here are some video’s that will help you set up your Pi-Star Hotspot. Please watch them and if you need to watch them again. While they are not specific to which server to connect to, we leave the choice up to you where you connect.

This first video is updating your Pi-Star Hotspot. This will ensure that you have the full list of DMR Servers that are available for selecting where to connect. It the shows you how to select a DMR Server to connect to.

Links to pages referred to in these video’s is included at the bottom of this page.




This next video shows you how to enter the OPTIONS into your Pi-Star Hotspot and the use of the OPTIONS Calculator. It show both the normal Pi-Star OPTIONS and the second video show the DMRGateway OPTIONS for selecting which TAALKGROUPS you would like to listen to in what is called STATIC TG’s.





Options – Language



Here are some support pages to help you work out the OPTIONS that best suit you including a link to the OPTION Calcualtor.