- WIA to produce Educational Material for clubs
- AR Magazine is out now......
- WIA Technical Advisory Committee News
- Amateur Repeater Frequency Management
- Expressions of interest sought to hold the next WIA AGM
- ACMAs New fees and reminder to reassign or reconfirm call signs
- Remembrance Day Contest Opening Address
- ACMA Clarifies Exam Resit Time Is 3 Months Minimum
- Global internet outage affects Memnet
- Update On WIA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Consultations
- CONSULTATION 2024-2: 40m Band Plan Harmonisation Challenges
- CONSULTATION 2024-1: Australian Amateur Radio Repeater and Beacon Frequency Planning Rules and Process Changes
- ACMA, VK9/VK0 Callsigns and Class Licence Callsign Documents
- WIA Directors meet with ARRL at Dayton Hamvention
- Bundaberg finalise the weekend timetable