- GB7XY:OPERATIONAL 1-Oct-24 Unclear of source of previous update, repeater is and remains operational. Reported by M0DMP
- Candidate for ARRL Northwestern Division Director Disqualified; Tharp Declared Elected
- New AV proposal has been submitted with callsign GB3FK on 30-Sep-24 by M1CMN to be located near FOLKESTONE
- GB3EQ:OPERATIONAL 30-Nov--1 Keeper Update Reported by M1AXM
- New DM proposal has been submitted with callsign MB9HAZ on 29-Sep-24 by GM4TNP to be located near GLENROTHES
- MB9HAY:OPERATIONAL 30-Nov--1 Keeper Update Reported by GM4TNP
- MB7IAE:OPERATIONAL 30-Nov--1 Keeper Update Reported by M0UKB
- New proposal has been submitted with callsign MB6WO on 29-Sep-24 by GI0RWO to be located near BELFAST
- WIA to produce Educational Material for clubs
- New DM proposal has been submitted with callsign MB9HAX on 28-Sep-24 by GM4TNP to be located near SALINE
- MB6WF:OPERATIONAL 30-Nov--1 Keeper Update Reported by 2E0PXW
- MB7IDB:FIRST SWITCH-ON 28-Sep-24 First test launch Reported by G1DTG
- Volunteers – The Heart and Soul of ARRL Headquarters
- Amateur Radio and Robot Play Ball!
- Changes in the ARRL West Texas Section